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برنامج تركيب الوجوه والتلاعب بالصور باحترافيه Face Off Max + التفعيل : تحميل مباشر

Face Off Max

Face Off Max 
لتركيب الوجوه على الأجسام بالصور والتعديل عليها بكل سهولة
برنامج مدهش للغاية فى عمل صور مضحكة وممتعه للغاية
رنامج رائع يتيح لك وضع صورتك الشخصية مع المشاهير
أو في أماكن مشهورة كغلاف المجلات
واجهة البرنامج سهلة وبسيطة وتمكن أى شخص أن يصبح فنان
يحتوى على قوالب كثيرة مصممة بواسطة الفنانين المحترفين
بامكانك مشاركة الصور عبر البريد والفايسبوك وماى سبيس
البرنامج صغير الحجمـ وسهل الاستخدام 

Face Off Max aims at helping you to create funny photos by transplanting any face to any body and share the fun with your friends. Designed by professional artists, the program comes packed with large and larger numbers of templates. No matter for what use: creating a funny photo for yourself, ridiculing your friends or having a photo with your idol, you can easily find a template suitable. Besides, the indefatigable Face Off Max artists keep on creating updated templates to enable the users to produce photos about the hottest topic. And if you want to create the photo with your own photos, it also works. No matter in what way, you just need to offer your photos and then have fun. By using Face Off Max, you can easily display your masterpiece in everywhere you want to keep in touch with your friends: Facebook, Myspace, blog, email and etc. The intuitive interface lets you know at the first glance how to achieve what you want with Face Off Max.
The considerate Face Off Max service supporters also provide detailed using instruction which will accompany with you till the end of your creating. You just need to follow the wizard and then everything is done. However, although the process is simple, the results can be fantastic. After several stages of photo editing, your photo will look as natural as it should be.
After creating a great photo, sometimes you may still feel incomplete and want to write some funny words on it. Now with Face Off Max, your photo will be endowed with a slogan and speak the fun out by itself. You can even put your words in a balloon to enhance effects. How about having a photo with you becoming T-800, holding a shotgun, driving a Harley Davidson and saying “I’ll be back!”?

الحجم : 23 ميجا 

لتحميل التفعيل من هنـــــا او هنـــــا 




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